32nd International
Guitar Festival Iserlohn 2024

28th ofJuly - 3rd ofAugust 2024

with the 13th MARTINEZ-Competition

Sprache: Deutsch Language: English
Guitarsymposium on Facebook Guitarsymposium on Youtube
Marco Caiazza - Guitar-Festival Iserlohn 2024
Jorge Caballero - Guitar-Festival Iserlohn 2024
Eden-Stell Duo - Guitar-Festival Iserlohn 2024
Pavel Steidl - Guitar-Festival Iserlohn 2024
Augustin Wiedemann - Guitar-Festival Iserlohn 2024
Alegrias Guitar Trio - Guitar-Festival Iserlohn 2024
Kanahi Yamashita - Guitar-Festival Iserlohn 2024
Katona Twins - Guitar-Festival Iserlohn 2024
Iliana Matos - Guitar-Festival Iserlohn 2024
Zoran Dukic - Guitar-Festival Iserlohn 2024
Jeffrey MacFadden - Guitar-Festival Iserlohn 2024
Tom Johnson - Guitar-Festival Iserlohn 2024
Danielle Cumming - Guitar-Festival Iserlohn 2024
Dale Kavanagh - Guitar-Festival Iserlohn 2024
Hans-Werner Huppertz - Guitar-Festival Iserlohn 2024
Juan Carlos Arancibia - Guitar-Festival Iserlohn 2024
Frank Gerstmeier - Guitar-Festival Iserlohn 2024
Gerald Garcia - Guitar-Festival Iserlohn 2024
Duo Zhang/Wang - Guitar-Festival Iserlohn 2024
Duo Tian/Zhu - Guitar-Festival Iserlohn 2024

Iserlohn 2024

(in Cooperation with Siccas Guitars)

Since 2021, the festival has been taking place entirely in Iserlohn again - the central locations of the festival ist the Iserlohn City Gallery in the beautiful 17th-century building. This an in rooms of the town Iserlohn nearby is where the lessons, the lectures and the rehearsals with the guitar ensemble (with Gerald Garcia) as well as the exhibitions of the luthiers take place. All other festival locations (hotels, restaurants, concert venue) are within walking distance in the center of Iserlohn.

Gitarren-Festival Iserlohn: Teilnehmer während des Unterrichts.

Participants during the class.

All evening concerts take place in the Oberste Stadtkirche Iserlohn.

All participants and lecturers stay in four hotels (different price categories), which are two to four minutes walk from all festival locations. Lunch and dinner are offered in three restaurants in the immediate vicinity of the City Gallery. There are also numerous cafés and snack restaurants in the immediate vicinity of the event rooms. Master classes, lectures, exhibitions and Gerald Garcia's ensemble take place in the Iserlohn City Gallery (three minutes walk from the Oberste Stadtkirche).

Master classes will be held in City Gallery, the 13th Martinez competition will take place in the first two rounds (Monday and Wednesday). The final of the competition (Friday, 7.30 p.m.) will take place as a public concert in the Oberste Stadtkirche Iserlohn.

We strongly recommend that you register by June 30th, 2024 at the latest, as the hotel capacities may then be full - a maximum of 120 active participants will be admitted.

Hotels have to be booked and paid for independently - there is an attractive special rate for festival visitors.

In the restaurants, all participants pay for themselves – we have also negotiated special rates here.

The fee for attending the festival (three or four hours of active instruction / all concerts, exhibitions, lectures, technique and ensemble instruction) is 110 or 140 euros. Participation in the festival and competition costs 170 euros.

Festival participants have free admission to all concerts - tickets for visitors to the concerts as part of the 32nd Iserlohn Guitar Festival 2023 are available from May 1, 2024 at the Iserlohn city information center at the train station (Tel. +49/ 2371 / 217-1819).

Further program items of the festival

Gitarren-Festival Iserlohn: Vergleich der Gitarrenbauer.

Comparison of guitar makers.

The festival features the 13th MARTINEZ Guitar Competition, concerts and lessons with several internationally known artists.

A public comparison test with all guitar makers will take place on Tuesday (July 30th) and Thursday (August 1st) at 4 p.m. in the City Gallery Iserlohn. The big 13th Int. MARTINEZ competition takes place in three rounds on Monday, July 29th (9 a.m. - 5 p.m.), Wednesday, July 31st (2nd round from 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.), and on Friday, August 1st, 2024 (final in the Oberste Stadtkirche Iserlohn at 7 p.m.).

Oberste Stadtkirche Iserlohn

Oberste Stadtkirche Iserlohn



Städtische Galerie Iserlohn

Städtische Galerie Iserlohn